Tuesday, November 19, 2002

back to the end of the world...

so when i reported earlier this last week about an “ominous sign that the galaxy is headed for a catastrophic event,” that nasa would reveal, i may have sold you a very large bridge in brooklyn. in a press conference today nasa revealed their new discoveries of binary black holes in a gallaxy far, far away. 3000 light years to be exact. the best part about this whole overblown thing, is that even when these two black holes merge millions of years from now, it's only going to produce a ripple in space. These ripples, according to the report, happen several times a year because of similar occurences throughout the history of the universe. so please.....try to remain calm. or if you find yourself a little bit antsy....build a shelter like some nice folks did up in washington check it out!

what (or who) would you take with you in your bomber shleter? ----->


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