Wednesday, January 05, 2005

i would burn a pelt tonight [though fire wood is king]


in my last post i think i mentioned a little bit about the heating situation in our place, or sort of lack there-of. it got me to thinking about fire, and other ways to create warmth. i've come to some conclusions.

wood is king koopa
burning wood is the king of heating a space. it's the oldest, most storied form a heat since flesh on flesh, or stuffing your injured jedi friend inside a tauntaun.

there's no other way that i would prefer to use for creating warmth, than log blazing for long cold hours in a fireplace or a wood stove. i actually prefer the wood stove to the fire place. though you miss out on the visual effect of flickering flames, i would rather have to open a door and shove another log inside, than part a chain screen and drop one on. there's just something to a box full of fire that is so awesome, it's like stoking some sort of steam train, but this big metal box doesn't go anywhere.

don't be fooled by imitations

there are a lot of people out there that would have you believe that other types of stoves or fuels are the best. there's the damned easterners who drive up the price of fuel by burning all that 'heating oil' during the winter. grow some back bone people! stop depending on the middle east for it's oil, the delivery man and his hose connected to your house, and chop some damned wood! you will probably get into better shape cutting it, stacking it, and carrying it, then you can fit into your shiny car, and afford to eat a few more krispy kremes.

then there are the people who have pellet stoves. can you find those in nature? owl pellets maybe, but who wants to burn something full of vole bones and that smells that way. besides, pellets are really small and you need a lot of them. wood comes in convenient sizes, and can be shaped to fit your needs.

if nature didn't want you to burn wood, there would be more bogs

then there are the folks that burn peat. those poor drunk sons of bitches. i love being irish, but only we could have figured out, in our continual stuper, that if we just dug of that slimy ground, we could actually burn the shit. to bad it won't make you drunk at the same time. i remember being in sligo, towards the north end of the republic, and they still burn peat there all the time. beautiful town. yeats was from there. maust and i walked a long way out of town, then looked back, only to see the air a nice blue-black color. and we thought the air was bad here in LA. sligo was industrial revolution ohio valley compared to our indian smoke signals.

pelts and why i would burn one tonight

driving home from work tonight i saw two or three full grown coyotes on my street. i was glad to come home and find my little emma kitty inside, safe from the beasts. how i wish i had a beater pickup, or i would have tried to run them down. then i would trow their carcasses on the fire, and stoke it with hewn wood, until every kitten theiving bone was burned to ash. i hate those coyotes.


as per my previous post about the new shoes, im returning them. too much effort to break them in, and i don't think they would ever be as comfortable as they should be. so im exchanging them for some other sweater shoes. i'll update about that when they arrive.


Blogger Sycz said...

I totally agree about wood. I grew up with a fireplace and that warmed up the house nicely. I can imagine how a stove would be even better.

3:05 PM  
Blogger KMOB said...

im glad we can finally all agree that wood is the best. i'm not ashamed to say it; i love wood.

10:57 PM  

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