Wednesday, August 03, 2005

my three sons cats

so i have three cats. yeah, you thought i had two, but you were wrong. i have two inside cats, and one outside cat. you know my new outside cat. her name is sylvia, and no one loves her but me. and she loves me back. she gets to eat canned salmon everyday, and climb trees as much as she wants.

all glibness aside, amanda and i decided to take sylvia in. i couldn't stumach the thought of her being euthenized, so we brought her home with us. she freaked out quite a bit at first, but now she is pretty good. she disappeared all day today, and i was worried that she had just gone back to the bayou or something. but she came back tonight about dusk. whenever she is around i hang out with her outside and she follows me around. she doesn't really even let me out of her sight. it's nice to have a little friend to talk to while i am watering the plants, she evens talks back to me with her loud voice. really funny stuff. i'm making every effort to help her to adjust, and amanda and i would bring her inside if it wouldn't cause world war three between she and emma. emma has been super protective ever since she had her kittens, and with little corrina around, she don't take no shit.

this post entirely on cats brought to you by the fact that my life is pretty crazy and i don't want to talk about it at all. everyone just needs to hear a heart warming story about cats every once in a while.


Blogger Andrew said...

that warms my cockles. thanks for taking care of the old girl. she's crazy, but i'm glad she's not dead.

by the way, hi.

8:00 AM  
Blogger lindsay anne said...

a story about cats is fine by me anytime.

and it did my hear good to see you and your wifey last night. I love you both.

11:32 PM  
Blogger ms. tea said...

since jeoffrey ran away and since i cant have cats in my apartment, it is nice to live vicariously through my friends who have them. thanks for the cat story

9:16 AM  

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