Tuesday, November 15, 2005

wood floors are cool when it's 90 outside

blast this heat, i hate it. business's seem to think it's the holidays, why doesn't someone tell the weather this?

amanda started teaching this week. her class sucks. yeah, they are seventh graders, but they are a special breed of demonic seventh graders. she'll get through it, but she hates them so far. it's ok though, she just has to figure out the ways that they will break, and i am sure that she will. she's one of the meanest people i know when she wants to be.

me, im just at home applying for jobs, listening to music and trying to beat the heat and this cough i have at the same time. i'm officially the manager of jesse gloyd the musical. we're going to meet sometime this week and hash out how to make him a star. yes, i am serious.

also looking forward to a couple of great flicks opening up this week. got cash and harry potter coming out, so the weekend should look nice.

im also getting my act together to finish school next semester and finally be done with that business. im really looking forward to being done. the plan for now is to do the same program amanda is doing now, get my credential and then we'll leapfrog each other to gradschool until we're both finished with that. so there's the five year plan. i also still want to get my real estate license so i can move towards development at some point. i figure that's the closest i can come to being an achitect at this point. doing it the right way is on my list, but arcitect (seven years training) doesn't ever make it out of anyone's top five. so there's that. see ya


Blogger Dan said...

heat sounds nice... ice and teens for colorado... toes, can't feel my toes. smoking cigarettes in less than 5 minutes... like a champ

12:19 PM  
Blogger KMOB said...

dan, nice, like ice. i thought you quit smoking?

12:37 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

yea, its a back and forth type of thing. so no, I've decided I enjoy smoking, therefore, not ready to quit yet.

12:39 PM  

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