i hear the blood of my blood crying from the ground
ok time for the general, non-springsteen related posts. i know everyone likes to talk about the boss when he isn't around, but there's other work to be done here.
last night, the luck of the irish previaled once again. there's been a heated battle brewing in the manor, my fair residence. we lost darren 'drunken fanatic' harbough to his job out in the antelope valley. so his single room opened up, and carnage insued. to make a long story short, brent lewis and i were the two leading folks dueling in this drama. brent came to the conclusion that the only way we could resolve this without screwing someone over was to be as fair as possible and flip a coin. i just happened to have my kennedy half dollar in the pocket of my jacket at the time, so i flipped and he called. he called 'heads' and it came up tails. to the victor goes the spoils and so i will be getting my first single bed room since like the summer of 2000. gotta love coins with irish presidents on em.
in other news, i am working the ballot tables this morning for the AS elections for next year. hopefully a really good candidate will win that will want to hire me again as yearbook editor. i turn in my application on friday. i've still got some juice left to put out a great book, and Lord knows He's given me the skills to do it. the rest of the day will be filled with art stuff after this morning. i will be criting the rest of my 3D design class' projects, then sitting on the roof of the library painting landscapes for three hours or so. then it's off to home depot to get some wodd to make a frame for some sweet photos amanda and i did for our advanced photo class togther. should be a long day. lots of time to listen to springsteen and drink coffee. let the light shine.
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