Thursday, April 03, 2003

losing love is like a window in your heart

...everybody sees you're blown apart...
... everybody sees the wind blow...

gotta love paul simon. i stood on the roof of the library here at school today listening to 'graceland' for several hours while painting. im not the greatest painter, so i try to make my stuff look interesting at least. who knows, if i can fingure out how to put some pics up on this thing, maybe i will post one of the finished landscape. you can all laught at me then.

tonight i have a big photo crit for the big shoot that amanda and i did a couple of weeks back. i have to go finish making the frame and mounting the photos, but it should be all good. i made a nice long horizontal redwood frame for the seven photos. the wood is really wide too, so it is really visually pleasing.

in other news i took an IQ test on and scored 132. i am a genius, we all new this anyway. i should really find a real IQ test to take and find out what it really is, cause these things aren't perfect. who cares about IQ's anyway. when was the last time a genius got taken out by a bunch of hot women... never.

in space news Russia says its going to boost space funding". we'll see i guess

ok ---->


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