Thursday, June 26, 2003


i like luck. i don't think i believe in it though, but i do like the thought of it. old ben from out beyond the dune sea used to say... "in my experience there's no such thing as luck". anyway who knows why i started out with this today, no real reason i suppose.

in blog news, my whole interface to bring this to you is way way way different, and right now all shout outs are turned off. hopefully those will be back on soon and i won't have lost all of your great comments. there were some on there from greats such as mike from bigphilistine, jeri, and even dave beeman who's now way out in st. louis. he used to post under 'guadelupe hidlago'. i miss that guy.

here's a fun spot about best of the blogs from over at weblog central on msnbc. it will teach us all about this crazy thing we do.

anyway sorry it has been so long since i last updated. i went to colorado for a wedding, i no longer have an office with my own computer, i started working full time as a lifeguard, and it just slipped my mind. i will try and be more fiber filled and regular from now on.

go ahead and see if it works!----->


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