Wednesday, July 07, 2004

The Magacian's Nephew


When i sit down to read, I really mean it. Some of you might remember the week about a year ago now when i read The Hobbit and the entire LOTR set all the way through. Two weeks ago i read five books, two of which were the fourth and fifth in the harry potter series, which i read in a day each. so i like to read, and im trying to knock down some of the books that i should have read a long time ago, or those that i haven't read in many years.

today i started in on a new task; to read through the chronicles of narnia before saturday. I started maybe two hours ago, and i'm already through the first book in the series "the magician's nephew". good stuff so far, and im remembering little bits of it here and there from reading it sometime long ago.

there's a couple of camps on what order to read the books in. there's the folks who are "publicationists" and those who are "chronologists". the former prefer to read the books in the order published, and the later in the chronological order of events of the stories themselves. Then of course there are those rare bread who like to read them in the order they were written, which is a different thing entirely. here's a nicely laid out guide to the whole deal.

i'm sure there are otns of folks out there who have read the series as adults and i would love to hear what you have to say about the subject. drop me a comment below and start a conversation. as for me, i'm off to be mixing things that aught not to be mixed... english breakfast tea and irish single malt... mmmm


Blogger Kristy said...

I'm a staunch publicationist, even though I know that CS Lewis really meant for them to be read in chronological order. Haven't read these in years, but I LOVE them, and can't wait until Judah's old enough for me to read them to him.

10:26 PM  

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