Wednesday, March 09, 2005

the canals of Mars and the Great Barrier Reef PART II !

i have been listening to the same song on repeat, via headphones, volumus MAXIMUS, for the last three hours. it is before 8am. thereisnothingwrongwithme

i imagine my headphone extension cord long enough stretching serpitine across the borders throughthe blood of christ mountains in new mexico criss-crossing lanes of the ten freeway(s!) eastward towards the red-stick town in the french state hooking a left and heading straight towards newyorkfuckingmegacity i will have a parade with an honor guard of nobelnewyork irish police to bear the twisty twirly cord trailing behind me their linear plaidpainted kilts willNOT clash with the twisty cord and everyone will understand it will be perfectly clear to anymotherf-erwatching exactly why there is some dashingdaringdo appearing before them as i ride the bouyant wave of sonic goodness down fifthave trailed by the guinnesssoakedguardkilts

it does not matter that i am wearing headphones and no one else can hear the perfect twominutethirtysecondsong by declanmacmanus because i am going to buy eveyrone of them a round. i am beyond belief


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