Friday, January 25, 2008

anywhere like heaven

there's something nice about listening to sweet baby james on a rainy friday night. solid album, millions of copies sold, but it would have been great still had no one bought it. it's success as a recording and piece of work is not predicated on it's amount of commercial success. it is plainly a very very good album.

i really wanted to find a clip, or an mp3 link to the song 'Anywhere Like Heaven', but i couldn't find one anywhere, which if you know the track, is kinda fitting. here's some early footage of the title track, sweet baby james, from the BBC sometime in '70 or '71

i also tracked down a great little piece about james, also from a BBC program here. (QT video) A really nice look back at that interesting time. who knew carol king wrote all those songs? pretty cool

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